git --version #check git version
git config --global --list # check global setting of git
cat ~/.gitconfig #open global setting file
git config --global --unset #erase global setting of the name
git config --global --unset #erase the global setting of the email
Step 1: generate key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "<Your email address>"
Step 2: It will create a pub file and put key into it. Please copy it and open github webpage open ssh&gpg keys
then click new ssh
and paste the key into it.
Step 3: Then add ssh locally by following the commands:
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_<part of your file name>
Step 4: Check whether it is successful.
ssh -T
Hi yingchaoji! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
vim ~/.ssh/config
Execute the following command to see if it is successful.
ssh -T git@tw
ssh -T git@wisers
ssh -T git@tw
git config --local "yingchaoji"
git config --local ""