Private labels have been developing in Europe for a long time, but China is still in the primary stage. Compared with the developed countries, Chinese retail enterprises, especially supermarkets, have a lower level of their private label development. With the expansion of Chinese retail business, private labels have been adopted by more and more enterprises. However, the existing supermarkets’ private labels are not well known to Chinese consumers. The purpose of this study is to compare the different opinions regarding private labels from Chinese young consumers and Swedish young consumers towards RT-Mart and ICA respectively. Both the Chinese supermarket RT-Mart and the Swedish supermarket ICA have a large number of stores and quite a lot of influences in the local area. This study uses a case study method to study from the perspective of the consumer. This paper first introduces the background of private labels, and then analyzes the actual situation of ICA and RT-Mart. From the consumer perspective, we studied the different ideas of young consumers in two countries on their private labels. The analysis is based on young consumers of different nationalities.
Business Administration
URN: urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-14001
DiVA, id: diva2:1201139
Business Administration
Appelkvist, Rolf
Hjelm Lidholm, Sara
Available from: 2018-04-27 Created: 2018-04-24 Last updated: 2018-04-27